Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Maintenance Day

Schoolnet stations and webcams are machines, and machines sometimes break. It's my job to head out and try to keep things running smoothly. Today I went to Jordan Creek Elementary in West Des Moines, Polk City and the middle school in Adel to drop off equipment. I also stopped by Saylorville Marina to give the camera there a restart... JP


Monday, February 25, 2008

Jason Parkin at Delaware Elementary

Jason Parkin visited Delaware Elementary on Des Moines' east side on Monday, February 25 and talked to the 5th-graders there about severe weather and safety. Here's some video from his appearance.


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Storm Chaser to Audubon

On Monday, February 11th, KCCI's Jason Parkin took his Karl Chevrolet Storm Chaser to Audubon to talk with the 4th-graders about severe weather and safety. He also made a visit to the Schoolnet site at the high school. Here are some randomly-chosen quotes from the kids there:

I wish one day I would be a person like you. - Matracea

It felt like a celebrity walked in when you came in. You were one of the nicest guys I have ever met. You were awesome. You should visit every fourth grade class in Iowa. You are a very good meteorologist. You are a very funny guy. - Joseph R.

I can't believe how smart you are. - Matthew Smith Petersen

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Saturday, February 09, 2008

Old Pic of BK in the State Fair Parade

Bryan Karrick pilots his Karl Chevrolet Storm Chaser in the State Fair parade, August 2007